Our University
Founded as part of the former Universidad Técnica del Estado in 1961, the Universidad de Magallanes is
a public institution with a solid tradition in the Chilean university system that develops teaching, research
and environmental activities aimed at the development of the country's southernmost region.
At present it has an enrollment of nearly four thousand students, focusing its activities on the University
Campus of Punta Arenas, where its four faculties and the Institute of Patagonia are located. In addition
there are activities at the University Centers of Puerto Natales, Porvenir (Tierra del Fuego) and Puerto
Williams, with an enrollment consisting mainly of students from the various districts that make up the
Region of Magellan and the Chilean Antarctica.
With a differentiating character, the University aims to be a national and international reference in terms
of knowledge generation in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Sub-Antarctic territory and Antarctica,
prioritizing, according to its development plan, areas such as: Human population in high latitudes;
Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Biodiversity, Energy and Environment.
In the commitment to deliver a broad educational quality, our university is accredited until 2023 in the
areas of Undergraduate Teaching, Institutional Management, Research and Community Outreach in
addition to evidence in recent years a significant increase in its accredited programs.
In this way, the University of Magallanes consolidates its mission as a Regional University of the State of
Chile, oriented fundamentally to the formation of human capital in the Magallanes and the Chilean
Antarctic Region; to the creation of knowledge, with special emphasis on research applied to the reality of
Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica and to the effective link with the regional environment.
The University of Magallanes expects to be a reference in the processes of higher education, as well as in
the cultivation and management of knowledge from the particularities of the Subantarctic Patagonia, and
the Chilean Antarctica, contributing with social responsibility to the sustainable development and quality
of life of the people.
The University of Magallanes is a public, state and geographically isolated institution of higher education,
oriented to the continuous formation of technicians, professionals and postgraduates, as well as in
research, creation of knowledge and community outreach, in and from the Subantarctic Patagonia and the
Chilean Antarctica.
In Teaching and in accordance with its Educational Project, the Institution sustains its work in a context of quality and equity, favoring the social inclusion of students from economically vulnerable groups.
In Management, to consolidate a responsible organization that gives academic, administrative and financial viability to the Institution.
In Research, Development and Innovation, the University focuses its actions on strengthening studies and publications in the various disciplines that make up the humanities, social sciences, engineering and natural sciences, mainly in the Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctica.
In Community Outreach, the institution promotes the relationship with the community as well as with public and private organizations in the region. It also promotes the preservation and strengthening of cultural, economic and social heritage of the Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctica.