Universidad de Magallanes >

Centro Universitario Cabo de Hornos

Parque Etnobotánico Omora – Universidad de Magallanes

11 de Julio del 2019



Figueroa R.A., J.R. Rau, D.R. Martínez, E.S. Corales S, S. Mayorga, A. Mansilla & R. Figueroa M. 2009. Rodent prey of the barn owl Tyto alba and short-eared owl Asio flammeus during winter in agricultural lands of southern Chile. Wildlife Biology, 15: 129-136.

Dantagnan, P., Hernández, A., Borquez A. & A. Mansilla. 2009. Inclusion of Macroalgae Meal (Macrocystis pyrifera) as Feed Ingredient for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effect on Flesh Fatty Acid CompositionAquaculture Research 41(1): 87-94.

Quiroz, C.L., A. Pauchard, L.A. Cavieres & C.B. Anderson. 2009. Análisis cuantitativo de la investigación en invasiones biológicas en Chile: tendencias y desafíos. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82: 497-505.

Ippi, S. C.B. Anderson, R. Rozzi & C.S. Elphick. 2009. Intra-annual variation in subantarctic forest bird communitiesOrnitología Neotropical 20: 231–245.

Anderson, C.B., G. Martínez Pastur, M.V. Lencinas, P.K. Wallem, M.C. Moorman & A.D. Rosemond. 2009. Do introduced North American beavers engineer differently in southern South America? – An overview with implications for restorationMammal Review 39: 33-52.

Moorman, M.C., D.B. Eggleston, C.B. Anderson, A. Mansilla & P. Szejner. 2009. The implications of North American beaver and trout invasion on native diadromous fish in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, ChileTransactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 306-313.

Rautenberger, R. Mansilla A., Gómez, I., Wiencke C, Bischof K. 2009. Photosynthetic responses to UV radiation of intertidal macroalgae from the Strait of Magellan (Chile). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 82: 43-61.

Schuttler, E., R. Klenke, S. McGehee, R. Rozzi & K. Jax. 2009. Vulnerability of ground-nesting waterbirds to predation by invasive American mink in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Biological Conservation 142:1450–1460.

Ibarra, J.T., L. Fasola, D.W. Macdonald, R.Rozzi,; C. Bonacic. 2009. Invasive American mink Mustela vison in wetlands of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, southern Chile: what are they eating? Oryx 43:87-90.

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Centro Universitario Cabo de Hornos

Universidad de Magallanes • O'Higgins 310 • Puerto Williams • Chile
Email: secretaria.williams@umag.cl